Polymer Optics
Polymer optical systems offer various opportunities for cost reduction in the fabrication of opto-sensors:
  • Injection molding of thermoplastic materials is a cost-efficient method for high-precision fabrication in high volumes.
  • Prior to mass production the optical function can be verified by samples that are fabricated with single point diamond turning.
  • The optical component may be equipped with mechanical features to reduce the number of components necessary and to facilitate assembly.
  • Integrated in the system design of an opto-sensor it is often possible to simplify interfacing and mutual alignment of detector and optics.
...can be made to operate at temperatures up to about 190°C
...can be used in a range of wavelengths of about 0.3µm...1µm
...can be metallized or anti-reflection coated
...have a lower mass than optical systems made of glass

Examples: Lenses for illumination and collimation, lens attachments for LEDs und photo detectors, lens systems for CMOS cameras,.. .

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